I know my Redeemer lives

Bad things do happen to good people, but every time something serious happens to a good person the critics question their credibility. This is especially true if the person in question is a follower of Jesus Christ. Even fellow Christians who should know better are often the first ones jumping to a negative conclusion.I am here to urge you not to feel guilty if you are a Christian and going through tough times. It is not uncommon for God to order the suffering of an individual to prove to the adversary that he is upright and steadfast.

Maybe you have lost your job, your house is being foreclose, your credit cards are maxed out, the bills are piling up, and there is no end in sight. Regardless of your troubles hold on to God’s unchanging hand. Your current situation might be a test from God.

The Bible tells us about a man in the Land of Uz, named Job. (Read Job 1:1) Job was a man of substance, who was perfect and upright. He was a righteous man who feared God. He never did anything wrong, yet he suffered. Job lost everything he possessed, including his ten children. Further, he was stricken with a skin disease. His wife and some of his friends were adamant that his suffering was punishment from God. They encouraged him to curse God and die.

But Job was not a wishy-washy man of God. His faith was unshakable. The Bible says, in all his suffering, Job sinned not nor charged God foolishly. Job knew his earthly possession, including his family were gifts from God. After the death of his sons, he remarked, “Naked I came out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

Job did not know his suffering was a test from God. However, he was confident he had not offended God. Therefore, he was certain that one day God would vindicate him when he stands before the Judgement Seat. Hence, he declared: “For I know that my redeemer lives and that he shall stand at the latter-day upon the earth” (Job 19:2 5).

In the end, God vindicated Job. His health returned, God blessed him with much more wealth than he ever had. His wife gave birth to ten more kids, and he lived for one hundred forty years afterwards. God rewarded Job for his faithfulness, and he will do the same for you and I.


  1. What an uplifting post Noel. One which should remind us of God’s faithfulness. I have been in situations at times in my life when some have said, “Are you sure you did not do something to deserve this?” To which my reply was always, “Sure I did, but it does not mean God is doing it to me.” We need to be careful about judging others and their situation. One day we might find ourselves in their shoes. What a blow that will be to the “ego” and our self-righteousness. 😉 Good post and God Bless, SR


  2. We do not welcome troubles when they come, but with hindsight, as we look back on previous troubles, we can very easily see that they were the times of our biggest spiritual growth and we can sincerely praise God for them.

    No matter what we face in life, we know we are safe and secure in the arms of our loving heavenly Father who loves us with an everlasting love and always wants the very best for us. We know He will undertake so we can face anything with confidence in Him.

    We serve an incredibly amazing God!


    1. Well said Angela! The God we serve is truly awesome. If we would let go the things that distract us and give Him our all, we would be in a better place. Job’s story is a perfect example of a man who is steadfast. He made a commitment to serve God and nothing could change that.

      I thank you for stopping and sharing your opinion. God blesses


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