9 Exceptional Fathers Of The Bible

God the Father, Cima da Conegliano, Circa 1510-17.

God the Father, Cima da Conegliano, Circa 1510-17. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Happy Father’s Day To All Responsible Fathers Around The Globe.”

God the Father:
God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity, is the father and creator of all. Jesus, his only Son, showed us a new, intimate way of relating to him. When we see God as our heavenly Father, provider and protector, it puts our life in a whole new perspective. Every human father is also a son of this Most High God, the constant source of strength, wisdom, and hope.

Adam – The First Man:
As the first man and first human father, Adam had no example to follow except God. He faltered on that, plunging the world into sin. He also had to deal with the tragedy of his son Cain murdering his other son, Abel. Adam has much to teach today’s fathers about the consequences of our actions and the absolute necessity of obeying God.

Noah – A Righteous Man:
Noah stands out among fathers in the Bible as a man who clung to God in spite of the wickedness all around him. What could be more relevant to today? Noah was far from perfect, but he was humble and protective of his family. He bravely carried out the task God assigned to him. Modern fathers may often feel they are in a thankless role, but God is always pleased by their devotion.

Abraham – Father of the Jewish Nation:
What could be more frightening than being the father of an entire nation? That was the mission God gave Abraham. He was a leader with tremendous faith, passing one of the most difficult tests God ever gave a man. Abraham made mistakes when he relied on himself instead of God. Still, he embodied qualities that any father would be wise to develop.

Isaac – Son of Abraham:
Many fathers feel intimidated trying to follow in the footsteps of their own father. Isaac must have felt that way. His father Abraham was such an outstanding leader that Isaac could have gone wrong. He could have resented his father for offering him as a sacrifice, yet Isaac was an obedient son. From Abraham, he learned the invaluable lesson of trusting. That made Isaac one of the most favored fathers in the Bible.

Jacob – Father of the 12 Tribes of Israel:
Jacob was a schemer who tried to work his own way instead of trusting God. With the help of his mother Rebekah, he stole his twin Brother Esau’s birthright. Jacob fathered 12 sons who founded the 12 tribes of Israel. As a father, however, he favored his son Joseph, causing jealousy among the other brothers. The lesson from Jacob’s life is that God works with our obedience and in spite of our disobedience to make his plan come to pass.

Moses – Giver of the Law:
Moses was the father of two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, yet he also served as a father figure to the entire Hebrew people as they escaped from slavery in Egypt. He loved them and helped discipline and provide for them on their 40-year journey to the Promised Land. At times, Moses seemed to be a larger-than-life character, but he was only a man. He shows today’s fathers that overwhelming tasks can be achieved when we stay close to God.

King David – a Man after God’s Own Heart:
One of the great strugglers in the Bible, David was also a special favorite of God. He trusted God to help him defeat the giant Goliath and put his faith in God as he was on the run from King Saul. David sinned greatly, but he repented and found forgiveness. His son Solomon went on to become one of Israel’s greatest kings.

 Joseph – The Earthly Father of Jesus:
Surely one of the most underrated fathers in the Bible was Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus Christ. He went to great pains to protect his wife Mary and their baby, and then saw to Jesus’ education and needs as he was growing up. Joseph taught Jesus the carpentry trade. The Bible calls Joseph a righteous man, and Jesus must have loved his guardian for his quiet strength, honesty, and kindness.

APA: Fathers In The Bible – 9 Famous Fathers In The Bible. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://christianity.about.com/od/peopleofthebible/tp/Fathers-In-The-Bible.htm


  1. I’m a fan of David – for his lyrical poetry.
    I bet he was the best singer of the lot.

    But as a father to a 13 yr. old boy who isn’t mine,
    biologically speaking, I can feel for Joseph,
    who’s son was not of this world. I wonder,
    would Jesus have been labeled an
    ADHD kid in this day and age?


    1. Jesus was a hyperactive kid. However, nothing was wrong with Him. He was wise beyond His years. Yes, I am sure they would have labeled Him as an ADHD. Can you imagine at twelve; He was debating lawyers and doctors?
      I thank you very much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Uncle Tree. God blesses!


  2. Hey Noel. That’s a good point about Adam not having an example – like a physical father example. I think he’s often known as the other half of the pair that messed it up for everyone else. But I enjoyed reading this about him – made me see him in a different light.


    1. I appreciate your comment Afi. Adam learnt fatherhood from the Father of all fathers and he still did not get it right. He messed up.
      I thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. May God be with you. How is the book doing?


    1. Many thanks as usual, Lady D. My favorite on the list is God the father who sent Hishis only Son to die so that you, and I can live.
      God blesses.


  3. I just wanted to let you know you have another award. “The Illuminating Blogger Award.” This one is easy! You can pick up in my Recent Post. Just had to do it! God Bless, SR


  4. God the Father: The exemplar of all fathers. Thanks for putting this one first. Let’s pray that all children will come to know their heavenly father better through their earthly fathers’ humble example of virtue and paternal love — albeit limited, yet always a sign of God’s eternal goodness toward the son’s and daughters made in his image and likeness.


    1. May God blesses your heart my friend. I join you in prayer and oneness of heart.

      I sincerely thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


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